Title: The Safekeeper Author: Esther Archer Lakhani Publisher: R.R. Bowker Release Date: October 1, 2020 Pages: 188 Her job is to keep their secrets safe. A secluded Retreat Center full of preternatural clientele. A talking crow who thinks she knows everything. A new boy in town asking a lot of nosy questions. Sound like a lot to handle? Not for fifteen-year-old Macy Steward, who lives at the Center and helps her parents run the highly unusual retreats. For Macy, this is simply normal routine. And it’s all going exactly as expected, that is until the guests become dangerously unpredictable, the talking crow goes suspiciously missing, and the new boy turns out to be so much more than he first appeared. “Here comes trouble.” That’s the last thing the crow says before disappearing. Even though she doesn’t scare easily, Macy has to admit the crow was right. Because soon enough, she finds herself trying to keep a lot more things safe than just secrets... Buy it on Bar...
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