Title: Your Life Has Been Delayed Author: Michelle I. Mason Publisher: Bloomsbury YA Release Date: September 7, 2021 Pages: 304 Past and present, friends and crushes collide in a YA debut about a girl who takes off on a flight and lands 25 years later. Jenny Waters boards her flight in 1995, but when she lands, she and the other passengers are told they disappeared . . . 25 years ago. Everyone thought they were dead. Now contending with her family and friends fast-forwarding decades, Jenny must quickly adjust to smartphones and social media while being the biggest story to hit the internet. She feels betrayed by her once-best friend and fights her attraction to a cute boy with an uncomfortable connection to her past. Meanwhile, there’s a growing group of conspiracy theorists determined to prove the whole situation is a hoax. Will Jenny figure out how to move forward, or will she always be stuck in the past? Buy it on Barnes & Noble or ...
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