Title: The Marvelous A uthor: Claire Kann Publisher: Swoon Reads Release Date: June 8, 2021 Pages: 336 Everybody knows Jewel Van Hanen. When Jewel inherits a not-so-small fortune, she decides to throw a party to celebrate at her new estate. Except she isn't hosting an ordinary high school party: she's hosting a bash with an exclusive guest list of her most loyal "friends" and a life-changing cash prize awarded at midnight. Once the party begins, her friends embark on an unforgettable game solving cryptic clues, confessing their darkest secrets, and conquering fear-based dares. But as the game grows tougher and intensely more personal, they all begin to wonder: Who exactly is Jewel Van Hanen and why would she put them through this? Buy it on Barnes & Noble or Amazon
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